About Our Charity
Supporting women to pursue positive change
Over the past five years, the 100-strong Lancashire Women team have supported over 5000 people each year in Lancashire to improve their lives and push through the barriers they face. These barriers may be personal to them, stigma in society or environmental/cultural obstacles. With the expertise and support of our caseworkers and therapists, Lancashire Women were able to support these people to tackle their obstacles.
- Lina lacked confidence after losing her job during covid.
- Jo battled with substance abuse for over 10 years.
- An aggressive family member led Grace to be homeless.
- Myra struggles with anxiety, which sometimes stops her from leaving the house.
- When her partner put debts in her name Isabella found herself in financial difficulty.
Every person we see is unique and their path is unique. Our whole-person, trauma-informed approach means that everyone is treated with respect and sensitivity, and is free to define and pursue their goals in a safe and supportive environment.
- Lina worked with our Employability Coaches to understand her skills gaps and regain her confidence. She worked on improving her digital skills and put together a CV. She is about to attend her first job interview and is studying part-time at college.
- Jo met regularly with our Justice & Safety Caseworker to address her health worries and past relationships. She enrolled on our Essential Skills programme to enable her to get her life back on track.
- Grace spoke with a Therapist in Accrington and was also supported with provisions and cooking equipment that her hostel couldn’t provide. She is a regular at our Accrington Centre and is training to be a volunteer.
- Our Community Development Worker encouraged Myra to access the groups in the Blackpool Centre where she made friends and felt safe.
- After a period of financial respite facilitated by our Money & Debt Advisors and sessions with a counsellor, Isabella has been able to confront her debts head on and is on the way to being self-sufficient.
LW is open to all women for any reason that may bring them to ‘our door’ whether due to the pressures and challenges in their lives or because they want to contribute and make an impact supporting other women. Women disproportionately experience inequality and disadvantage because of gender and for that reason LW exists to enable them to have choices for their lives and to feel they can take their place in society. Over the years we have developed expertise particularly around women’s health, wellbeing, money advice and employability but we do offer other services and if we don’t do what is needed then we will know someone who can!
Can you help us support the next woman?
This charity exists to support as many women as we can to make positive change in their lives. Help us to support the next one:
Consider setting up a regular donation to support a woman in Lancashire.
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Give your expertise or your time and be part of Lancashire Women.
Choose a meaningful career and be part of a passionate and supportive team.
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...to explore the possibilities and give women in Lancashire the support they need.